What is PrEP? Explaining PrEP through community outreach seems easy in theory but can be a difficult message to get across because of the stigma associated with HIV, STIs, sex and more. At HealthMerch, we take the simplest and most engaging approach to make sure that the message is clear - PrEP works. PrEP can save lives. Our turnkey designs and messaging through our campaigns PrEP for Tonight, Juntos PrEParados and more have been successful conversation starters in communities across the country. You can learn more about our various PrEP focused outreach designs and campaigns by clicking here. 

For now, we’ll focus on the basics. What is PrEP? Why should you ask HealthMerch to help you with your PrEP outreach?

What is PrEP?

PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is a daily pill that someone can take to stay HIV negative. Taking PrEP can lower the chance of getting HIV by 90% and may be a great solution if someone has a partner who is HIV positive or has multiple or anonymous partners.

What is HIV?

HIV is a virus that affects the immune system by attaching to the body’s T-Cells, which scan the body to detect and fight off infections. If HIV goes untreated, it can develop into AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), which describes the stage in HIV where the immune system becomes very weak. HIV is not curable, but it is treatable. If someone takes their medication and sees their health provider regularly, they can help keep their body from developing AIDS.

How can I get PrEP/PEP?

To find a provider who offers PrEP near you search https://pleaseprepme.org/.  Some of these providers offer no or low cost PrEP. 

By using protection like condoms, regular testing, and PrEP/PEP, there are many ways to prevent HIV!

To learn more about HealthMerch promotional products and designs for PrEP,  click here.